PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard

“It’s all about thriving in markets that are smarter and faster than you are. It’s all about being utterly fucked if you don’t know what I’m talking about.” — Hugh MacLeod. First, the good news: PayPal now transfers money to Philippine banks. It’s free for transfers above PhP7000.00, with a transaction fee of PhP50.00 (~$1.23) […]Click here to continue reading "PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard"...

PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard

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24 Comments (with 3 Conversations) on “PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard”
  1. irma says:

    Mike what is the bank code of the UNIONBABK? can i have it please?

  2. The Pageman says:


    UNIONBANK’s bank code is 010419995

  3. rayter says:

    which is why I never call customer service…unless I want to die early from high blood pressure, LOL! 😛

  4. Michi Calica says:

    Super helpful info Mike, I was wondering where to get Unionbank’s bank code while encoding my PayPal tonight! And here it is in your blog. Thank you so much!

  5. Randy says:

    Yes, this is a perfect info. Salamat

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