PayPal for the Philippines: Use EON, But Not Fresh

First, the bad news: seems cards need a transaction history before working with PayPal. That means fresh cards won’t work.

Now, the good news: seems after building that transaction history, UnionBank EON Visa Electron debit cards can receive money from PayPal. Since the Philippines is still a cash-based economy, debit cards are often more useful here than credit cards.

I’m getting my EON card soon, but it looks like I’ll have to buy some stuff before withdrawing my PayPal funds to it. One shopping spree is a small price to pay for access to revenue streams that pay exclusively through PayPal. If other banks don’t act fast, UnionBank might quickly secure a monopoly on PayPal funds newly flowing into the Philippines.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.
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9 Comments (with 1 Conversation) on “PayPal for the Philippines: Use EON, But Not Fresh”
  1. I just claimed my eon card, should i still wait for 2 weeks before i use it for paypal?

  2. Rey Antoni says:

    Hi Mike. I am Pinoy and I own a simple Text-ad exchange site. I received my UBP Eon debit card late last year and it really worked and still working good to my convenience. I don’t mind the small stuff selling by PayPal. It’s their business. The convenience is what pays. Other banks should indeed act fast.

    -Rey Antoni

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