PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard

“It’s all about thriving in markets that are smarter and faster than you are. It’s all about being utterly fucked if you don’t know what I’m talking about.” — Hugh MacLeod. First, the good news: PayPal now transfers money to Philippine banks. It’s free for transfers above PhP7000.00, with a transaction fee of PhP50.00 (~$1.23) […]Click here to continue reading "PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard"...

PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard

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24 Comments (with 3 Conversations) on “PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard”
  1. Bob Reyes says:

    I wonder how much will these local bank charge for such PayPal withdrawals?

  2. jhay says:

    Actually, PayPal has a list of those bank codes. Union Bank’s is in it as well, near the bottom of the list actually. It’s a good thing I found it before making a phone call to their CSR.

  3. MC says:

    Hi Mike!

    Thanks for the post. It really help specially when I needed to set-up my account at Paypal.



  4. Mike Abundo says:

    Jhay: Hehe. Funny how they treat it like their big secret when PayPal just gives it out. 😛

    MC: Happy PayPaling! Just remember that PayPal has released an official list of bank codes. The one you have might be wrong. PayPal charges a PhP250 penalty for returns due to incorrect information, so please double-check before withdrawing. 🙂

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