PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard

“It’s all about thriving in markets that are smarter and faster than you are. It’s all about being utterly fucked if you don’t know what I’m talking about.” — Hugh MacLeod. First, the good news: PayPal now transfers money to Philippine banks. It’s free for transfers above PhP7000.00, with a transaction fee of PhP50.00 (~$1.23) […]Click here to continue reading "PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard"...

PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard

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24 Comments (with 3 Conversations) on “PayPal Bank Transfers Catch UnionBank Off-Guard”
  1. Machinista says:

    Hi Mike,

    What is the maintaining balance of the Union Bank EON card? How long before you got your card?

  2. Mike Abundo says:

    Maintaining balance is zero, but debit card annual fee is PhP350. Mine took a couple of weeks to get.

  3. webworx29 says:

    This is a good news for us filipino’s specially those whose work rely on the internet. This would reduce the hassles of having to use other payment method like wire transfer or epass other than eon cyberaccount. Just when i thought eon is my best tool, Paypal has just simply made it a lot easier.

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