Alodia Cosplays Danny Choo’s Blog Mascot

Alodia Gosiengfiao cosplays Mirai Suenaga.

Alodia Gosiengfiao cosplays Mirai Suenaga.

Top otaku blogger Danny Choo signed autographs at the international launch of Otacool: Worldwide Otaku Rooms during the recently concluded Anime Festival Asia 2009. Also signing autographs was renowned Filipina cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao, who was dressed up as Danny’s blog mascot Mirai Suenaga.

A blogger-cosplayer cosplaying the mascot of another blogger-cosplayer’s blog. How meta.

(Photo via Kusakabe Misao.)

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5 Comments on “Alodia Cosplays Danny Choo’s Blog Mascot”
  1. Xandra says:

    wow! Edj so cute! =3

  2. Mike Abundo says:

    Ashley Gosiengfiao, Danny Choo, and Alodia Gosiengfiao

    Alodia’s younger sister Ashley also cosplayed Mirai’s younger sister Haruka. Here she is with Danny and Alodia.

    (Via Jeremy Tan.)

  3. Romeo says:

    Danny brought his mascots to life.

    And he has the Gosiengfiao sisters to help him with it. 😀

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