Multiply is Cheap. ABS-CBN is Stupid.

Last year, also-ran social network Multiply stepped into a petty third-world TV network war by entering into an ad deal with Philippine TV station ABS-CBN. Now Multiply gets pwned in that war — literally. ABS-CBN now owns 5% of Multiply, for the ridiculous price of $5 million. The sad part is, neither company knows what […]Click here to continue reading "Multiply is Cheap. ABS-CBN is Stupid."...

Multiply is Cheap. ABS-CBN is Stupid.

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17 Comments (with 2 Conversations) on “Multiply is Cheap. ABS-CBN is Stupid.”
  1. Mike Abundo says:

    Don’t let those guys spoil your birthday, Lusanto. Just laugh at ABS-CBN as they waste five million dollars, and at Multiply as they get pwned by a third-world TV station.

  2. They deserve worse, Lusanto-sempai. They deserve to be eaten alive by Kusaregedo, Godzilla and my dog.

  3. Kamen Rider Honou says:

    Suicide truck with Rodall Juhziz upgrade i-palo sa ABS OVER 9000 trucks = WIN

  4. Nah, this is better.
    OVER 9000 Za Warudo and Star Platinum’s ORA ORA-s gamitin sa ABS = Better WIN

  5. goABS! says:

    you just cant get it..
    they’re not for socializAtion..
    they are after the release of information..
    just too bad for you..

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