4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self

I just got this email from Joe Biaso, the boy accused of taking down 4chan with a DDoS attack.Click here to continue reading "4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self"...

4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self

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23 Comments on “4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self”
  1. df says:

    call the FBI 🙁

  2. Simply put, Joseph Biaso is a fucking dimwit without balls. Why can he live as a man without balls? I mean, he just sucks, right, Sir Mike?

  3. pacifico says:

    Uhm, I didn’t write that “manifesto”. Simple proof is raidchan AND netcollect have split from partyvan IRC a long time ago.

  4. KingTaco says:

    “Uhm, I didn’t write that “manifesto”. Simple proof is raidchan AND netcollect have split from partyvan IRC a long time ago.”

    C’mon, faked IRC logs and now a forged ‘manifesto’ to frame a random 16 year old kid? Did the CIA kill Paul Wellstone too?

    Like above, you can’t grab some moral high-ground about how /b/ ‘ruins’ other boards and simultaneously ruin 4chan for hundreds of users who never even go on /b/. Make your beef with /b/, don’t screw over people who have nothing to do with any internet geek wars. I’ve used 4chan for years and never even heard of most of the sites being talked about in this incident. /b/tards will just spread out to other lulz-seeking sites and resume whatever behavior they were at before; long-term knocking out 4chan only really punishes the users who don’t follow /b/ to begin with.

  5. Paul says:

    I feel like a junkie drying out in a rehab clinic. I need my 4chan fix.

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