4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self

I just got this email from Joe Biaso, the boy accused of taking down 4chan with a DDoS attack.Click here to continue reading "4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self"...

4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self

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23 Comments on “4chan DDoS Suspect Contradicts Self”
  1. pacifico says:


  2. KingTaco says:


    ITT: We complain about internets attack faggotry while performing internets attack faggotry.

    “To put it simply, our usually peaceful coexistence has been threatened by a hostile and outside force that is hellbent on our mutual destruction”

    The Internet. Serious Business.

  3. @Paul : You 4chan guys are truly junkies, you know that? Everytime I visit 4chan when it was still up, you guys and your discussions sicken me.

    @pacifico: Sure you do.

    @KingTaco: I have to agree with you on that one. The Internet is serious business. Internet-attacking faggotry has no cure, kinda like what pacifico has.

  4. asshole says:

    @ alfred remigio

    not your private army

    trying to goad us into attacking http://saburotenma.deviantart.com/
    may seem smart now, but no one really cares

    If you aren’t actually trolling and trying to PA yourself, you are an awesome tool

    1. Get pipe
    2. Mix potassium nitrate, sulfur and powdered sugar
    3. Light on fire
    4. Hold close to body and stroll into crowd
    5. ?????
    6. Profit

  5. RAstaMONch says:

    @Pareng Alfred

    Need backup? Let’s kick the bastard’s ass! I can’t wait to use Rider Punch!

    @asshole – The name suits you right. If you have nothing to do than force your ass here in Philippine territory, SCRAM. Before we hunt you down and feed your carcass to rabid dogs.

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