4chan DDoS Suspect Video

The 4chan community now suspects sixteen-year-old hacker Joseph Biaso, alias “pacifico”, of DDoSing the popular imageboard. Enraged and resourceful, they’re now posting his personal information across the Web.

In response, Biaso taunted 4channers on his YouTube account, verifiying the information. Perhaps upon realizing that he could go to jail for what he’s done, he closed his YouTube account mere hours after his taunt.

Since it will probably be used in his trial, here’s the video of Joe Biaso taunting 4channers on YouTube.

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49 Comments (with 1 Conversation) on “4chan DDoS Suspect Video”
  1. Moochie says:

    my business has gone down because of the ddos!

  2. JDL says:

    I went to school with this kid, we used to be friends, until he started trying to do shit to my computer. That’s crazy to hear that he took down 4chan.

    • Z Converse says:

      My name is Zwayla
      I was married to Joey T. Biaso III for nearly 5 years of the most hell I’ve ever beenb through.
      He beat me, raped and had me assist in assaults against other women, controlled my finances and every interaction. He forced me to take psychedelics when I didn’t want to, forced me to stay up for days, controlled my communications with my family and forced me to do medical testing to get money. If anyone has any doubts, you can find multiple domestic violence arrests from when we were together with his mugshot.
      I finally left after being forced to stay up for a week straight with loud pounding EDM and Joey going into a psychosis after taking LSD with meth and an entire 12 pack of IPAs, getting delusional and calling the cops on me because he thought I was some CIA agent planted to make him insane, ending up going to a mental hospital. I stayed with friends during his absence and came home to an empty house with an eviction notice on the door. the doors are open, my animals are gone, and the place has been ransacked- nothing left but a change or two of clothes, not even a sheet on our bed. I had to squat in my house and sleep on a cold bare mattress until I was pushed onto the streets.
      I tracked him down at a friends house, and his friend desperately asked my permission to take his car and passport away as he was trying to leave the country and he was not in the state of mind to be travelling, but he was trying to get to nicaragua all of the sudden. After his friend took those things, he accused him of robbing him and disappeared.

      TO THE PERSON WHO POSTED THIS COMMENT: please get in touch with me, I have a question you can actually answer if you went to highschool together that could help me get into an old account of his. I need to know who his best friend in Highschool was- he had so many friends all over the world, I can’t remember a specific person he was closest with..
      We were never divorced. Two years later, he turned up dead of an apparent overdose.

      HACKERS: I NEED YOUR HELP! If you knew him, if you could get information on him, if you even have information of his whereabouts before he died- PLEASE CONTACT ME!

      Zwayla Zwei Niela in Raleigh NC on Facebook
      @imagineomkara on insta

  3. Z Converse says:

    My name is Zwayla
    I was married to Joey T. Biaso III for nearly 5 years of the most hell I’ve ever beenb through.
    He beat me, raped and had me assist in assaults against other women, controlled my finances and every interaction. He forced me to take psychedelics when I didn’t want to, forced me to stay up for days, controlled my communications with my family and forced me to do medical testing to get money. If anyone has any doubts, you can find multiple domestic violence arrests from when we were together with his mugshot.
    I finally left after being forced to stay up for a week straight with loud pounding EDM and Joey going into a psychosis after taking LSD with meth and an entire 12 pack of IPAs, getting delusional and calling the cops on me because he thought I was some CIA agent planted to make him insane, ending up going to a mental hospital. I stayed with friends during his absence and came home to an empty house with an eviction notice on the door. the doors are open, my animals are gone, and the place has been ransacked- nothing left but a change or two of clothes, not even a sheet on our bed. I had to squat in my house and sleep on a cold bare mattress until I was pushed onto the streets.
    I tracked him down at a friends house, and his friend desperately asked my permission to take his car and passport away as he was trying to leave the country and he was not in the state of mind to be travelling, but he was trying to get to nicaragua all of the sudden. After his friend took those things, he accused him of robbing him and disappeared.

    We were never divorced. Two years later, he turned up dead of an apparent overdose.

    HACKERS: I NEED YOUR HELP! If you knew him, if you could get information on him, if you even have information of his whereabouts before he died- PLEASE CONTACT ME!

    Zwayla Zwei Niela in Raleigh NC on Facebook

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