Alodia Returns to Cosplay as Haruhi
In late March of 2011, Filipina cosplay goddess Alodia Gosiengfiao made a shocking announcement: she was quitting cosplay to become a full-time student. Unsurprisingly, her announcement threw the otaku community into a state of utter chaos. Click here to continue reading “Alodia Returns to Cosplay as Haruhi”…
Alodia and Ashley Model Funky Jeans
Marketing to geek culture requires more than just copying geek culture. Jag jeans got it wrong when they imitated a popular photo of Filipina cosplay queen and gamer girl Alodia Gosiengfiao, sticking a mainstream model into the picture instead.
It was a classic case of cargo cult marketing: copying the external trappings of a campaign (the photo composition) without knowing what actually makes that campaign work (the gamer babe). Click here to continue reading “Alodia and Ashley Model Funky Jeans”…