Filipina Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao Interviewed on Channel News Asia

Filipina cosplay queen Alodia Gosiengfiao recently performed at the Singapore Mascot Parade, dressed as the pink-haired fashion designer Miwako Sakurada from the romantic Japanese anime series Paradise Kiss. After her performance, Alodia appeared on Channel News Asia’s Primetime Morning – in full costume, of course. Alodia talked about her passion for cosplay, the continuing growth of cosplay, and what it takes to succeed as a cosplayer.

Brand Ambassador

A full-time professional cosplayer, twenty-two-year-old Alodia currently serves as a brand ambassador for Animax Asia, Southeast Asia’s leading anime cable network. That’s why Alodia was accompanied during her interview by Animax Asia General Manager Gregory Ho, who shared industry insights on the anime culture that fuels much of cosplay.

Rarely do I meet a media executive who actually understands his audience at a deep level. Greg is one such executive. Seth Godin would be proud: this guy knows how to find his own otaku.

It’s that sort of industry insight which led Greg to hire Alodia. Just one month into her job as brand ambassador, Alodia has dramatically increased viewer engagement for Animax, both online and offline. Thanks to her growing legions of online fans across East and Southeast Asia, she’s helped increase traffic to the Animax Web site by 17%.

Performance Artist

Cosplay is the performance art for the age of the geeky mashup. As evidenced by the colorful costumes at many of their traditional festivals, Filipinos bear a longstanding cultural affinity for performance arts. Combine that with the rise of geek culture in the Philippines, and Filipino cosplayers like Alodia are perfectly positioned to become global luminaries in this emergent art.

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2 Comments on “Filipina Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao Interviewed on Channel News Asia”
  1. Mark Miclat says:

    She’s quite beautiful…She looks like a Japanese..

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