Alodia and Ashley 2003 Pics from GeoCities
GeoCities, one of the most popular free homepage hosting services of the ’90’s, closed down the other day. After the Philippines came online in 1994, a lot of Filipino geeks made their online homes on the service. One group of such geeks, Transformers Philippines, witnessed the first breakaway performance of Filipina cosplay princess Alodia Gosiengfiao and her sister Ashley. The teenaged geek girls wowed the crowds at 2003 C3 Convention, portraying magic gunners Rikku and Yuna from Final Fantasy X-2.
Transformers Philippines’ old GeoCities page has vanished, but their photographic record of the sisters’ big break will not. Here are their pictures of that arguably pivotal moment in the history of Filipino geek culture, preserved for posterity.
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I still have the issue of culture crash comics where the sisters got featured along with Jerry Polence.
Hang on to it, Red. It’s a collector’s item. 😉
(Image via RE de Leon on Wikipedia.)
I’ll be sure to get them to sign it in the future.
Wow nice! Wish I had that hehe.. I really love Alodia and Ashley
she is too beautiful…
so hot
so talented
so great
so rich
so famous
so lovable
so fair
so fantastic
so unique
annd whats more? she is almost PERFECT