Taking the You Out of YouTube

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YouTubeYouTube once gave ordinary people like you and me an unprecedented opportunity to broadcast themselves on a level playing field with Big Media. Unfortunately, YouTube will soon become less about broadcasting yourself, and more about plain old broadcast.

Envious of the advertiser money being thrown at Hulu and its walled-garden Hollywood content, YouTube is pushing back user-created content in favor of the same old corporate crap. YouTube’s upcoming redesign will segregate TV shows, movies, and music videos from user-created videos.

In effect, big studios will get their own hallowed grounds while regular uploaders will have to slug it out in their own little video ghetto. Goodbye level playing field.

NBC and Fox created Hulu to be a “YouTube killer”. We thought Hulu planned to use content and relationships to kill YouTube’s market share. We thought they failed when YouTube continued to dominate the market. In truth, what Hulu did was far more insidious: they used greed and envy to kill YouTube’s soul.

By deviating so drastically from its original value proposition to users, YouTube actually puts itself in great peril. We don’t go to YouTube for expensive long-form content from big studios. We go to YouTube for lighthearted bite-sized clips from ordinary people. When YouTube downplays the very thing that drew its huge audience in the first place, how long until that audience goes away? When the audience goes away, how long until the advertisers go away?

Bottom line: They’re taking the “you” out of YouTube. Say goodbye to the YouTube Nation.

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10 Comments (with 2 Conversations) on “Taking the You Out of YouTube”
  1. NunyaBidniss says:

    This article is a load of F.U.D.

    “In effect, big studios will get their own hallowed grounds while regular uploaders will have to slug it out in their own little video ghetto.”

    I’m glad that the user generated content is kept separate from the corporate:)

    That’d be a mess if it was all mixed together in a jumbled mishmash.

    And it’s a GREAT BLESSING being able to FINALLY enjoy Classic Star Trek and Anime,without having to worry about it being removed for copyright bullshit ^_^

    It takes NOTHING away from users like Thunderfoot,The Amazing Atheist and others.

    “We don’t go to YouTube for expensive long-form content from big studios. We go to YouTube for lighthearted bite-sized clips from ordinary people”



    “Goodbye level playing field.”

    OH PUH-LEEZ!!!

    Users still comprise the mass majority of content as far as I can tell:)

    This article is utterly illogical.

    • Mike Abundo says:

      And it’s a GREAT BLESSING being able to FINALLY enjoy Classic Star Trek and Anime,without having to worry about it being removed for copyright bullshit ^_^

      Indeed it would be a great blessing — if it actually happened. The truth is, even when segregated from corporate content, user-uploaded content is still very much vulnerable to DMCA takedowns.

      • D-Generation-Xaddict0041 says:

        and that goes 4 the uploaders who do not have the permission from the TV network etc.It would be a big problem 4 them 2 upload any anime or TV series(the majority of those copyrighted shows r modern)because of rules and regulations on YouTube and if you do not post the descriptions that says “l do not belong to this video etc.This video belongs to(company that is responsible to the TV shows video that u r uploading)or uploading it w/o permission from the TV network that u r trying 2 upload from the TV show then ur account will be suspended……….

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