Skype Coming to Nokia N97
I currently use Fring to make Skype calls from my Nokia N95, but I really wish the process were more seamless. If I could make Skype calls on my phone as quickly and intuitively as I make voice calls on my phone, I’d save a pretty penny on my phone bill. That’s why I’m very happy to hear from the Mobile World Congress that Skype will be directly integrated into the address book of the Nokia N97.
I want the N97 even more now. In the meantime, I hope Nokia can roll out Skype integration as a firmware update to currently available handset models.
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Great news. That’s why Nokia won’t go down for the fight of the smartphones. Boy do I love Nokia for integrating technology, but I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but are they able make their own instead of integrating? I’m not really sure about that though. 🙂
I actually like how Nokia embraces standards. Compare that with Apple, who won’t even adopt Flash on the iPhone.
I read that too. Guess you’re right. Nokia absorbs what people are used too.
Two mobile operators are so scared of Skype, they want it removed from the N97. That’s how awesome this feature is.