Wanted: Obama’s CTO

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Obama's CTONow that Google CEO Eric Schmidt has declined the position of US President-Elect Barack Obama’s Chief Technology Officer, who wants to apply for the job?

After all, how hard can it be? The job description reads like standard IT management fare.

Obama will appoint the nation’s first Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to ensure that our government and all its agencies have the right infrastructure, policies and services for the 21st century. The CTO will ensure the safety of our networks and will lead an interagency effort, working with chief technology and chief information officers of each of the federal agencies, to ensure that they use best-in-class technologies and share best practices.

Of course, Obama’s technology agenda is longer than my arm. You’d also have to deal with massive turf wars from the IT heads of America’s many government agencies.

Then again, you guys are smart. You can do this. Yes you can. Any takers?

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