Obama Announces Recovery.gov

US President Barack Obama showed he was serious about using the Internet as a tool for governance when his team updated WhiteHouse.gov immediately upon his inauguration. Now he continues his drive for radical transparency online. In his first weekly address as President, Obama announces Recovery.gov, a site that will let Americans monitor how their tax dollars are spent on his stimulus package.

It’s just a landing page right now, but it says to check back after Congress passes Obama’s recovery plan. Of course, the anticipation will only make the public clamor for the plan’s approval. The man clearly knows how to market a cause online.

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3 Comments on “Obama Announces Recovery.gov”
  1. Mr. President. I had to moved in Canada in 2002,why -because I was handicaped in USA and was USA citizen since 1994 but work in USA since 1967 since the day that I turned 65.I lost all my handicaped ans desability, according to Mr. Bush..one of is law to save money for the rich again. I keeped my Canadian citizen status but was Americain. I turned right away to the Canadian embassy in Boston, and they help me to come back as soon as possible in Canada.,It tooked me 2 months.I had lost all helth services and medication.Few of my medec ins in USA gave me enough medication for 3 months wait here in Canada TO GET MY ADMISSION FOR ALL THOOSE PROGRAMS. I received my old age pension,because I work 40 years in USA.What a desapointment from a country that I work all time for 40 yers.Imissed USA, after livig there for all that time.But I am in Canada now and I do the best I can.people are different here, they are nice but like I said when you live almost half of your life in a country,it is very hard and it is still hard to get use to it.
    I am very happy that (( you are in one way my all time feverite president and the next after is Mr. Clinton and the last on the list i Bush.
    You are come here in Canada tomorrw nand I probably see you on t.v like ewverybody else. People love you here in Canada.
    I would like to hear from you Mr. OBAMALike you said time will be tough but with good work and perseverence and poeople help you ,not like the REpublicain are. they just think about thamself and like all the rich people.
    I wish you all the good luck in the world and pry for you every day also,say Ello to your wondrefull wife MIchele and your 2 beautifull kids kids,
    thank you to listen to me and may GOOD BLESS YOU

    Yvon Gregoire
    Drummondville,Quebec, Canada.

  2. Oh,my your smart n she your beatiful.n cool bady.so sweet

  3. Obama your smart n fun.

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