Google Chrome Attacks Windows Through the Web
In a matter of hours, Google will unleash its new Chrome browser. Built from the ground up to support the rise of Web apps, Chrome will strike at the very thing that gives Windows most of its value.
Instead of coming out with a Google OS to compete directly with Windows, Google comes out with a browser that behaves like an OS: process isolation, multithreading, etc. It won’t compete directly with Windows, but it will enable Web apps to compete much better with Windows apps — and much of an operating system’s value comes from its apps.
The word “browser” is itself a relic from the days when the Web was a bunch of static pages. If Chrome delivers on its promise of robust Web app support, it will become less of a browser and more of a Web app OS. Chrome strikes at Windows’ desktop dominance not by competing for the desktop, but by rendering the desktop less relevant. Ballmer will need another chair.
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wow!That’s great!
I tried Chrome, and think that it really was clean (yet elegant) and fast as it was claimed to be.
if anyone takes a hit from Chrome getting released it will be Firefox