Google Instant Could Satisfy 80% of Searches
As you probably know by now, Google Instant delivers streaming search results as you type, without refreshing the page or requiring you to hit the search button. Instead of streaming new search results for every possible query with each keystroke, however, Google Instant delivers results from queries suggested by Google’s autocomplete feature, suggestions gleaned from common search queries. As Google VP Marissa Mayer puts it, Google Instant is “search-before-you-type“. Click here to continue reading “Google Instant Could Satisfy 80% of Searches”…
Google Celebrates Pac-Man’s 30th Anniversary with a Playable Logo
Anyone who knows anything about the history of video games knows about Namco’s classic arcade game Pac-Man. It’s one of only three video games on display at the Smithsonian, along with Pong and Dragon’s Lair. The pizza-shaped pellet-gobbling hero, a literal icon in the video game industry, marks his thirtieth birthday today. Just in time to cap off the excitement of the Google I/O 2010 developer conference, Google celebrates Pac-Man’s birthday by turning its front page logo into a fully playable version of the arcade classic.
Google has a long tradition of altering its front page logo to commemorate events. In fact, Google has a name for those logo alterations: Google Doodles. Pac-Man now stars in the first-ever playable Google Doodle. Click here to continue reading “Google Celebrates Pac-Man’s 30th Anniversary with a Playable Logo”…