
Google Buzz: FriendFeed in Gmail

Google BuzzGoogle Buzz strikes me as a lightweight clone of FriendFeed integrated into Gmail. That’s not surprising when you consider FriendFeed’s origins: the founders are all former Google employees. While FriendFeed remains a marvelous service — it was recently acquired by Facebook — it never saw much adoption beyond the geek set. Mainstream Internet users have yet to wrap their brains around the concept introduced by FriendFeed in 2007: social media aggregation.

Google Buzz could finally bridge that conceptual chasm, racing out the gate with a combination of four very powerful advantages: Click here to continue reading “Google Buzz: FriendFeed in Gmail”…

Google Wave in Eight Minutes

If you don’t have time to watch the first eighty-minute demo of Google Wave, here’s an eight-minute demo.

Yes, even the short version takes eight minutes. That’s how many new features and concepts Google Wave introduces. We’re not just looking at a new Web 2.0 service here — we’re looking at a whole new Web protocol.