Guild Wars 2 Trailer: A Bigger, Prettier Game

The resignation of ArenaNet cofounder Jeff Strain cast a shadow of doubt upon the future of Guild Wars 2. Strain was, after all, the driving force behind ArenaNet’s hit MMORPG Guild Wars, which boasts over five million units sold. Since many achievements in Guild Wars confer player benefits in Guild Wars 2, I was starting to worry that my hard-earned in-game trophies would go to waste.

ArenaNet now dispels those doubts with the first official trailer for Guild Wars 2. The pre-rendered portions look a bit rushed, but the in-game environments look bigger and more detailed than anything I’ve ever seen in Guild Wars. That’s saying a lot, considering how often I’ve detoured from a quest just to soak in the scenery. One particular shot in the trailer even hints at a day/night rotation. Of course, such vast environments would be necessary to support a persistent world with a true Z-axis, features not present in the instantiated environments of Guild Wars.

Persistent areas require more server horsepower than instantiated areas. Just like its predecessor, Guild Wars 2 will require no monthly fees. ArenaNet must have some amazing game design and network management techniques up its sleeve, if it plans to maintain such enormous persistent areas without recurring fees.

As hopelessly nerdy as it sounds, the sheer beauty of the Guild Wars world is part of what motivates me to pick up my virtual sword and defend it from virtual villains. The message of the first Guild Wars 2 trailer is clear: that world is about to become bigger and more beautiful. I can’t wait to finally face the Drakkar Lake Dragon.

(Via John Cuneta.)

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8 Comments (with 3 Conversations) on “Guild Wars 2 Trailer: A Bigger, Prettier Game”
  1. I’ll play Sylvari for a change (and it’s the closest to an Elf in GW2 hehe), then Asura.

    Thanks for the mention!

  2. Mike says:

    I won’t play it cause it’s an MMO. 😛

    • Mike Abundo says:

      To each his own, Mike. Fortunately, much of the main Guild Wars PvE campaign is playable solo. Sometimes I’ll romp around with an all-AI party just for the heck of it. Scenery is easier to enjoy when human party members aren’t bugging you to continue the mission. 😛

      I love playing with people most of the time, but I hope Guild Wars 2 offers similar options for solo play. 🙂

  3. Mike says:

    Fair enough, the solo play makes GW more palatable than your typical MMO. In fact, it’s the MMO that I kind of like, and that’s saying A LOT because I really dislike MMOs.

  4. Mike Abundo says:

    Guild Wars 2: The Races of Tyria

    ArenaNet just released a second trailer, starring Felicia Day of The Guild. Check out the races of Tyria. 🙂

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