Yaya Han Steampunk Cosplay

Popular cosplayer Yaya Han wore an original steampunk costume at Ohayocon 2009. Photographer Ricky Pai captures Yaya’s costume in all its Victorian glory.

Check out the mechanistic details on the fan. Yaya’s got more photos of this costume on her website.

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11 Comments (with 2 Conversations) on “Yaya Han Steampunk Cosplay”
  1. Roy says:

    so there you are!

    the man who asks a lot of questions during the iBlog5!

    and I’m glad you did! 🙂

  2. sentai yin ako says:

    Shit, That’s one yaya that I’ll allow to pet me…

  3. beklog man says:

    dang laki man ng dede…

  4. Chuck says:

    Good lord, she’s built like a brick outhouse. I’d eat a mile of her $#!+ just to lick her ass.

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