Ready for YouTube Live?

Live online video is nothing new. Startups like Ustream and have been offering it for over a year. Google-bankrolled online video leader YouTube, however, likes to bide their time before rolling out features. When they do launch those features, they leverage their deep pockets and enormous community to launch with a bigger splash than anyone else does.

Never has that been more true than with YouTube Live, a concert of big-name celebrities to showcase YouTube’s new live streaming capabilities. Ustream recently brought live online video to the mainstream with Obama’s victory address. Wonder if YouTube Live can top that with this online-exclusive tour de force.

YouTube Live should certainly serve as a torture test for YouTube’s live streaming servers. Maybe Yahoo, a company that once banked so heavily on relationships with Hollywood, should have run such a test before embarrassing itself with early glitches in its Yahoo Live service.

Anyway, enough online video industry talk. Mainstream artists like Katy Perry,, Akon, BoA, and Joe Satriani join YouTube artists like Tay Zonday, Chad Vader, and LisaNova to prove the viability of live online video as an entertainment medium. YouTube Live rocks your browser from San Francisco on November 22 at 5pm PST. After that, enjoy YouTube Live Tokyo on November 23 at 3pm JST.

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