Alodia Caramel Dance Animated!

Don’t you just love how memes reinforce themselves in loops? In a full-circle homage to the original Caramel Dance animation, the Alodia Caramel Dance gets animated by Christian Canave.Click here to continue reading "Alodia Caramel Dance Animated!"...

Alodia Caramel Dance Animated!

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9 Comments on “Alodia Caramel Dance Animated!”
  1. ronairis says:

    thanks for posting this here! ^____^

  2. I’m lovin’ it all the way!!!!

  3. KathS says:

    It looks fun but i feel a bit cheated after waiting for it to load completely.
    how many frames of animation did the artist use and loop for that duration?

    oh wait, i just looked at his deviantart. It was originally a moving gif.
    sorry for expecting too much out of this.

  4. Mike Abundo says:

    Someone should make Alodia: The Animated Series. Post it on Revver and it’ll make money. 😉

  5. DeathMitten says:

    Mike, just find some fanboys with semi-passable drawing skill and it WILL get made.

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