Star Wars

Geek and Gamer Girls

Geek and gamer girls are like unicorns: they’re not supposed to exist. That’s why a group of geek and gamer girls banded together to form the singing quartet humorously known as Team Unicorn. Geek babes Michele Boyd, Clare Grant, Milynn Sarley, and Rileah Vanderbilt cosplay their way through the music video for their song Geek and Gamer Girls, a parody of Katy Perry’s California Gurls. Click here to continue reading “Geek and Gamer Girls”…

Lightsaber for Nokia N97 Released

Nokia N97 LightsaberiPhone users can brag all they want about their walled garden of an app store. Nokia’s open and free Mosh app repository gives Nokia N95 users something iPhone users can never have: an ad-free lightsaber app.

The Nokia N97 isn’t out yet, but Mosh already carries a lightsaber app for the upcoming handset. It should also work with other S60 5th Edition phones like the Nokia 5800, and 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2 phones like the Nokia N96, Nokia N85, Nokia N79, and Nokia 6210 Navigator. It should even work with the Feature Pack 1 Nokia E66.

Unlike the N95, the N97 doesn’t lengthen like a lightsaber when it slides out. It’s still more elegant than carrying a blaster around. Nokia’s about to close down Mosh, so download the app while you can.