
“I’m Linux” Video Contest

Microsoft responded to the snooty Mac switch ads with the folksy “I’m a PC” ads. The Linux Foundation, not one to splurge on flashy advertising, responds to both with the “I’m Linux” video contest. The first video features Linux’s magical ability to revive dead computers.

Firefox Revenues Up

Firefox GirlHow do you make money giving something away for free? Ask the Mozilla Foundation, who manage the development of the open source Firefox browser. They just released their financial statements for 2007. Late as those statements are, they look really good for the upstart browser.

“Mozilla’s revenues (including both Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation) for 2007 were $75 million, up approximately 12% from 2006 revenue of $67 million. As in 2006 the vast majority of this revenue is associated with the search functionality in Mozilla Firefox, and the majority of that is from Google,” says Mozilla Foundation Chairperson Mitchell Baker.

Firefox reached 20% market share earlier this month. On a geekier scale, 48% of this blog’s readers use Firefox. What was once a deemed a toy exclusively for geeks is now recognized by a fifth of all netizens as an extensible tool for everyday tasks.