Filipina Cosplayer Kristell Lim Portrays Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail

Filipina cosplayer Kristell Lim portrays Erza Scarlet from the hit anime series Fairy Tail.

Believe it or not, this amazing cosplay photo wasn’t taken in the wide-open spaces of the great outdoors, or in the controlled environment of a closed photostudio. This photo was taken at an anime convention — specifically, the Otaku Expo 2010 Reload convention in the Philippines.

Upping Their Game

Filipina cosplayer Kristell Lim portrays Erza Scarlet, a heroic warrior-mage from the hit anime series Fairy Tail. Kristell’s costume was created by Filipino cosplayer Lyron Aquino, who previously performed in Singapore with Asia Cosplay Meet champion Jia Gold Bustamante.

The photo itself was taken at the event photobooth of the Cosplay Photographers Guild (CPG), the Philippines’ leading cosplay photography experts group. CPG started providing photobooth services at cosplay events in April 2010, all free of charge to cosplayers. Since then, they’ve rapidly upped their game at events: this photo of Kristell is actually an overhead shot, edited on location.

A New Standard

This is quite possibly the best cosplay photo ever taken at a public gathering in the Philippines. Kristell actually won a trip to Singapore for this photo. Congratulations to Kristell, Lyron, and CPG on setting a new standard for Philippine cosplay event photography.

Bonus: Check out these behind-the-scenes photos by hobby store owner and otaku culture guru Raymond Sison.

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8 Comments (with 1 Conversation) on “Filipina Cosplayer Kristell Lim Portrays Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail”
  1. may I know, who is the guy portraying loke?? please, I might know him..

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