Street Cosplay at Eastwood City

Due to the sudden cancellation of an anime convention over the weekend, Filipino cosplayers were left all dressed up with nowhere to go. Unwilling to let a cancelled event ruin their Saturday, Filipina cosplayers Myrtle Gail and Hye Marie Nim decided to take matters into their own hands.

Hitting the Streets

Dressed as Sakura Haruno from the anime Naruto and Chii from the anime Chobits, Myrtle and Hye decided to strut their stuff on the streets of Eastwood City. As a Philippine tech industry hub, Eastwood has a very open and progressive feel to it. Such a location lends itself well to street cosplay. Thanks to past cosplay events at Eastwood, the locals aren’t too freaked out by people walking around dressed as cartoon characters.

On hand to capture the girls’ portrayals was the Cosplay Photographers Guild, a group of cosplay photography enthusiasts. Readers of this blog might remember the Guild from their photostudio at Ozine Fest 2010.

The Next Harajuku?

Japanese cosplayers have been regaling crowds on the streets of Tokyo for years, specifically in the Harajuku and Akihabara areas. As Filipino cosplayers learn that they can practice their art with or without attending formal cosplay events, perhaps Eastwood can become the Philippines’ Harajuku.

(Photos by Gian Bacuyag of the Cosplay Photographers Guild.)

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