Minority Report Computer
Tags: Design | G-Speak | Hardware | John Underkoffler | Minority Report | Oblong Industries | Software
Think of it as the Power Glove with big-screen TVs. One of the science advisors on Minority Report, John Underkoffler, founded a company called Oblong Industries to make Tom Cruise’s fancy computers a reality. The result is G-speak, a spatial operating system using huge monitors and clunky mittens.
Sure, spatial computing looks impractical now, but so did multitouch early last year. Now it’s on iPhones.
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let’s just wait 10 years before anyone who isn’t insanely rich will be able to get one!
Technological progress never fails to surprise us, bikerboy. One year later, spatial computing has been miniaturized into a pendant that costs $300. 😉
I’m betting on Moore’s Law that it won’t take ten years. 😉