Alodia and Tricia as Schoolgirls

Alodia and Tricia as Schoolgirls

The Japanese sailor fuku should become the standard girls’ uniform in Philippine schools. When you see Filipina gamer Alodia Gosiengfiao and photographer Tricia Gosingtian dress up as schoolgirls, you know it’s the best way to go.

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15 Comments on “Alodia and Tricia as Schoolgirls”
  1. I think we should really shift to those kinds of uniforms… Especially the guy uniforms, the top is usable for almost every occasion, namely biking.

  2. Anonymous says:

    tricia’s thighs look shooped.

  3. JustMe says:

    No. If that happens, the sexual harassment rate in our country will increase.

  4. Yan says:

    sailor uniforms are cute. but yeah, i agree with JustMe…XD

  5. Yan says:

    people might think our uniforms make us look ‘manang’ but the truth is filipinos are just conservative (in general).

Reply to Alfred Remigio