PICS Directors Induction with Loren Legarda

Foreground, left to right: Senator Loren Legarda, PICS Chairwoman Maan Tolentino, myself, and first Filipino blogger Lauren Dado. Photo by Noemi Dado.

Thanks to everyone who came to the induction of the new Philippine Internet Commerce Society directors at the Peninsula Manila Hotel last night. Senator Loren Legarda, who swore us in, is pretty and feisty as ever. Noemi Dado posts more pretty pictures. Please tag your videos, photos, and articles about the event pics07 so we can all find them.

This is PICS’ tenth year, and my third term as vice-president. A lot of what we called emerging information technologies two years ago are standard online services today. I’m glad to see geekery mainstreamed so quickly; that just lets us geek over more new stuff. Yes, Jayvee, Hell is freezing over and over and over again — and it’s cool.

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15 Comments on “PICS Directors Induction with Loren Legarda”
  1. Congratulations Mike for another year in PICS. I’m very proud of you and hoping for more success to come your way. Cheers!

  2. Mike Abundo says:

    Thanks, Janette! I learned from the best. 🙂

  3. Mark says:

    Hi Mike,

    Could you talk to your friend Loren and make some sense out of her? I could go to jail for her stunt priming herself in the next election.

    Being a PICS official, you should make a stand against this and her move to police the internet. This is censorship at its best.

  4. Mike Abundo says:

    Mark, I am against any form of online government censorship. Having a strong background in dealing with the institutional filters of offline media, Senator Legarda is still new to the individual filters of online media.

    Senator Legarda is only beginning to understand that, while offline media audiences rely on governments and media outlets for filters, online media audiences have infinite filtering capabilities at their individual disposal. While offline media is pre-filtered, online media is post-filtered. Chief among these post-filtering tools are search engines like Google, and Googler Aileen Apolo works very hard to educate Filipinos on how to empower themselves with these tools.

    Post-filtering tools aren’t limited to search engines. Search whittles the Internet down to what you want to see when you want to see it, while content filtering software whittles the Internet down to what you want your kids to see when you want them to see it. Computer-owning parents can install free filtering software on their home networks. Internet cafes can voluntarily install such filtering and advertise themselves as family-friendly, so parents without computers can bring their kids there for homework. Cellular phone service providers can include such filtering in wireless Internet services on their kid-friendly brands. Game publisher Level Up already lets parents control their kids’ gaming time. The infinite choice of the Internet extends to infinite choice in filtering the Internet. The same can’t be said for noontime shows and highway billboards.

    While media education is not very effective for offline media, it is incredibly effective for online media, simply because online media viewers have post-filtering tools offline media viewers do not. I’ll make sure to remind Senator Legarda of that fact next time I see her.

Reply to jepoy