Transformers Movie Review: Optimus Prime was Robbed!

“Stay away, lad! That’s Prime’s fight!” — Kup, in the original 1986 Transformers animated movie. I just watched Michael Bay’s Transformers movie at the Gateway Globe Platinum Theater. Believe it or not, it’s even more of an abomination than everyone expected it to be — from jumpy editing to fake graphics to gibberish computerspeak to […]Click here to continue reading "Transformers Movie Review: Optimus Prime was Robbed!"...

Transformers Movie Review: Optimus Prime was Robbed!

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386 Comments on “Transformers Movie Review: Optimus Prime was Robbed!”
  1. Dead Mike Walking says:

    I learned Mike “Bleeding Butthole” Abundo here is really an ass, even in person. Lots of people hate him, even within his own industry.

    He just badmouths everything, so I’m not surprised at all if he bitches about Transformers. He’s like a girl in an eternal state of PMS.

    He’s got an even bigger stick up his ass than previously thought. It’s the size of an electric pole. He even picks fights with women. It can’t get any more gay than that.

  2. Ime says:

    sigh. BB is still trying to save his sorry ass. well, he’s getting popular now, thanks to his detractors. err… popular? being intelligent and with taste?

    hell no, because he can still stupidly reason even with his bleeding butthole. it’s either that or he’s an intelligent chimpanzee.

  3. Ime says:

    man! what a research, deadmikewalking. good job.

    his picture denotes narcissism actually.

  4. Skeet Skeet says:

    Wow, this Abundo is sure getting ass raped! His scrotum must also be bloody with Ruben (who I havnt heard from in a while after he was Owned) and this putz Jimmy who seem to be Num-Numing his little boys!

  5. Butu says:

    You know what, by posting tons of comments, you’re just doing what this Abundo guy wants us to do – patronize his site. He’s just craving for attention, like all those know-it-alls who try to deviate just to get noticed.

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