Mobius Launches EVE Online in Southeast Asia

2007 will be a year of big-name games for the Philippines: AMDG with Lineage II and Level Up with Ragnarok 2. For a while, I thought Mobius was out of the gaming game, what with the opening of their online music store and the loss of their gaming guru blogger. Then, out of the blue, Mobius President Jojo Anonuevo tells me they’re launching EVE Online in Southeast Asia.

Dime-a-dozen no-name token-effort games have flooded the Philippines over the last three years. Good to see tide turn this year. Where the big boys go, the little boys will follow: expect even smaller game publishers to start offering bigger titles. With bigger games will come the maturation of the Philippine game market, perhaps to the point where it could support World of Warcraft.

On a side note, EVE Online holds the record for the biggest in-game heist in MMORPG history, to the tune of $16,500 in virtual goods — and it’s all legal within game rules, too. I bet Filipino creativity can top that.

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19 Comments on “Mobius Launches EVE Online in Southeast Asia”
  1. Anonymous says:

    From your terms “Mobius Launches EVE Online in Southeast Asia” and “It’s Southeast Asian”… boy before putting False advertisement on the open please research more.

  2. SOul says:

    Is it intertional or just PH

  3. soulhart says:

    I hope it will reduced their cost to pay to play…. like 2 dollars per week .. So some of us could afford it

Reply to SOul